Frequently Asked Questions

What are dark force energies?

Dark force energy is a concept that captures the essence of the negative vibrations and unseen energies generated by human emotions, actions, and collective behaviors. Unlike the tangible forces we encounter daily, dark force energies are intangible, yet their impact on our environments, relationships, and personal well-being can be profound and deeply felt. This discussion seeks to shed light on the nature of these energies, how they are created, their effects, and the importance of recognizing and addressing them to maintain balance and positivity in our lives.

At the heart of dark force energy is the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and actions emit vibrations that contribute to the energy field around us. Positive emotions like love, joy, and gratitude contribute to a light, uplifting energy that enhances our well-being. In contrast, negative emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, and jealousy generate dark force energies that can cloud our environments and psyches. These energies are not static; they are dynamic, growing in intensity and influence through accumulation and resonance with similar vibrations. Imagine a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering size and speed; similarly, dark force energies can gain momentum, becoming more potent as they absorb negativity from their surroundings.

The origins of dark force energies are deeply rooted in human history and the collective psyche, fed by wars, conflicts, personal strife, and the darker aspects of human nature. These energies do not exist in isolation; they seek out resonance, creating a cycle of negativity that can be challenging to break. They manifest in various forms, from a general feeling of heaviness in a place to more specific impacts on individual mood, energy levels, and even physical health. People may feel drained, depressed, or anxious without apparent cause, indicating the presence of these dark energies.

How do I know if there are dark force energies impacting my life?

Understanding the presence of dark force energies in your life involves recognizing various symptoms, each telling a unique story of disruption and the journey back to harmony:

- Feeling Drained: Even after a good night’s sleep, if you're constantly exhausted, it might be a sign. 

- Persistent Negative Thoughts: When negative thoughts feel like a loop in your mind, it’s a signal. 

- Sudden Challenges in Relationships: If relationships suddenly turn rocky without clear reasons, take note. 

- Feeling Heavy or Oppressed: A sense of heaviness or dread in certain environments isn’t just in your head. 

- Unexpected Health Issues: Mysterious ailments that doctors can’t pinpoint might have a deeper cause. 

- Nightmares or Disturbed Sleep: An increase in nightmares or restlessness at night can be indicative. 

- Aversion to Previously Enjoyed Spaces: Feeling suddenly uncomfortable in spaces you once loved is a red flag. - Electronics Malfunctioning: Frequent, unexplainable issues with gadgets can be more than technical glitches. 

- Feeling Watched: The unsettling feeling of being watched when you’re alone. 

Success Story: A client moved to her husband’s family farm.  Once there she experienced a lot of negative energies that zapped her health, her strength,  her pets, and the land . We discovered lingering dark force energy that had been there for a very long time.  Once the energy was cleared the client expressed feeling  lighter and more free.  Her peace was restored, turning her home back into a sanctuary of joy.

How long will it take?

The duration of our journey together is as individual as you are, designed based on insights from the angels and what needs healing or removal. On average, transformations can take about 3 -5 months, though some clients have experienced significant shifts in as little as 5 weeks with dedicated effort. Others may need 6 months or longer; it truly depends on the unique circumstances and the depth of work required.

How will I know if it is working?

Noticing the shift in your life post-intervention can manifest in various beautiful, gradual ways. Here are signs of the transformative process, accompanied by stories of change:

- Improved Sleep Quality: A return to deep, restorative sleep is a significant indicator. 

- Elevation in Mood: A noticeable lift in spirits, often without a specific cause.

- Renewed Energy Levels: Finding yourself with more energy for daily activities. 

- Enhanced Personal Relationships: Relationships begin to heal and flourish again. 

- Physical Symptoms Dissipate: Mysterious aches or discomforts begin to fade. 

- Clarity of Thought: A newfound ability to think clearly and make decisions. 

- Increased Intuition: A stronger connection with your inner voice or intuition. 

- A Sense of Protection: Feeling an intangible shield around you, warding off negativity. 

- Joy in Simple Pleasures: Rediscovering joy in the small, everyday moments. 

The transformation might be subtle at first, but together, these indicators weave a tapestry of profound change, marking the journey back to your truest self.

Success Story: A Mom hired me to work on the energies surrounding her 8-year-old son.  He was getting into trouble, and was difficult to correct.  When he was told “no” or someone tried to redirect him, he would violently hit himself on the head, or pound his head on the wall or table.  Once we started working on his energy he started to find relief.  His mom called me with tears of joy telling me that he had stopped self harming and that she had her sweet boy back.   

What do you mean by protection?

It is my intention to build my clients' energy fields up to be a solid protection. Every week I devote part of each healing session to repairing the auric field (also known as the subtle energy body) and building the field to be strong and resilient. That being said, without proper maintenance this is not a permanent protection. The same way a wall will eventually crumble without maintenance, so too the auric energy field will be reduced in effectiveness over time. Factors that impact the auric field include, but are not limited to: negative emotions, stress, experiences, toxic people, psychic debris, taking on others’ emotions, negative self-talk; negative attitude and negative mindset.


Will you give me messages from my angels and guides?

Yes, I receive messages for my clients and also facilitate a direct line of inquiry where you can ask questions of your guides through me. While the responses are always rooted in truth and love, they might not always be what you expect, reflecting the honest and transformative nature of this journey.

Will I be able to listen to my angels and guides when we are done?

If you have the gift of Mediumship - Yes.  Absolutely, that's the goal. Connecting with your angels and guides is a profound experience that grows stronger with practice and patience. Through our work, I aim to clear any blocks to this communication, setting the foundation for a lifetime of guidance and support.

Personal Anecdote: When I was being cleared of dark force energies, I started to hear the whispers of my guide.  My first time hearing my spirit guide Zephra is a story for the times.  I was alone in my kitchen making my  first cup of Monday morning coffee ( you know how Monday morning coffee is the most important cup of the week?) and all of a sudden I slammed my hands down on the counter and almost yelled, I will not give up my caffeine.  I stopped and kinda laughed - like what the heck.  I took my coffee to my office.  The next day my mentor (and trainer) told me my guide had a message for me - Asking me to give up something - and I knew what it was.  It was then I realized that message was real!!  Up until that moment, I had  experienced intuition lots of time and my angels telling me things when I was in desperation, but never a message like that.  

Again, it takes time, practice and patience.  And yes, I will clear the blocks to your communication with your angels and guides.  However it will be up to you to maintain that communication and to practice.

What is the investment?

The investment for my services is uniquely determined with guidance from the angels. On a case-by-case basis, the angels negotiate and set a price that I faithfully abide by. Additionally, I ask your angels to help you find or show you the means to afford the services, ensuring the energy exchange aligns with divine will.  

Disclaimer: Please note that at Courageous Heart, we provide energy healing and spiritual support as part of your journey towards wellness and empowerment. It’s important to understand that our services are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment. We are not licensed therapists, psychologists, or mental health professionals. Our work is rooted in spiritual and energetic healing, designed to complement your path to well-being.

If you find yourself in a crisis or if you need immediate assistance, please don’t hesitate to dial 911 or contact your local emergency services. If you are having suicidal thoughts please call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988.   Your health and safety are of utmost importance.

Our services are here to support you in your journey towards healing and are intended to be part of a holistic approach to your well-being, including professional healthcare when necessary.

Thank you for entrusting your journey to Courageous Heart. We are honored to walk alongside you towards light, clarity, and joy.

@ 2023 - Martha D. Alexander, Courageous Heart | All Rights Reserved