
A pivotal moment came when my spirit guide nudged me towards training in clearing negative and dark energies. Despite initial hesitation, embracing this path opened my eyes to the true essence of my purpose. The shift was profound. The businesses I had been struggling to build around divorce suddenly paled in comparison to the fulfillment and clarity I found in my new direction. Confidence replaced doubt, purposeful action took the place of aimless tasks, and joy became the hallmark of my days.

Today, I stand as a beacon of light for those navigating their own paths to healing and self-discovery. My work goes beyond the surface, offering deep energetic cleansing to clear away the shadows that hinder personal growth and alignment. It's a journey of joy, laughter, and profound transformation, guided by the belief that when we are true to our purpose, abundance flows effortlessly.

This is not just my work; it's my calling—to assist heart-centered individuals who want to make a difference in the world, in protecting their energy and embracing their divine guidance. Together, we're not only healing ourselves but also contributing to the healing of the Earth and uplifting the collective consciousness.

Education and Training

1988 Juris Doctorate, San Diego University of Law School

Licensed to Practice Law in the State of California 1988- 2021, currently Inactive

Practiced primarily Family Law and Estate Planning

2017 Certified Reiki Master, Makai Usui Method of Natural Healing

2021 Certified Fearless Living Coach, Fearless Living Institute

2021 Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner, Global Sciences Foundation

2022 Certified Money Breakthrough Business Coach, Kendall Summerhawk

2022 Certified Money Archetype Coach, Kendall Summerhawk

2022 Certified Why Professional, WHY Institute

2023 Certified F.I.X. Code Practitioner, Ancient Gene Technologies, Inc.

2023 Advanced F.I.X. Code Practitioner, Ancient Gene Technologies, Inc.

2024 Certified Spiritual Cleanse Practitioner (Dark Force Energy Removal)

2024 Certified Intuitive Sound Healer

2024 Certified Intuitive Elemental Sound Healer

Disclaimer: Please note that at Courageous Heart, we provide energy healing and spiritual support as part of your journey towards wellness and empowerment. It’s important to understand that our services are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment. We are not licensed therapists, psychologists, or mental health professionals. Our work is rooted in spiritual and energetic healing, designed to complement your path to well-being.

If you find yourself in a crisis or if you need immediate assistance, please don’t hesitate to dial 911 or contact your local emergency services. If you are having suicidal thoughts please call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988.   Your health and safety are of utmost importance.

Our services are here to support you in your journey towards healing and are intended to be part of a holistic approach to your well-being, including professional healthcare when necessary.

Thank you for entrusting your journey to Courageous Heart. We are honored to walk alongside you towards light, clarity, and joy.

@ 2023 - Martha D. Alexander, Courageous Heart | All Rights Reserved